Product No.: 10881522TYR-2s adjustable.
Duct cleaner with adjustable rotor arms for a variable spraying angle.
Completely rust-free. Inlet 3/8" F. Nozzles are excluded.
2 nozzles 1/8" M are required.
Diameter: 150 mm
Max. 275 bar / 120°C
Weight: 0.8 kg
Cleans ducts, tanks and every kind of container and realizes results like never before. Even the strongest dirt will be removed.
Depending on the kind of application you can either choose the fixed version having fixed horizontal rotor arms or the adjustable version. The angle of the rotor arms at the adjustable model can be changed thus varying the cleaning power.
The duct cleaner is equipped with a standard stainless steel cage protecting and prolonging the life of the rotor arm inside.
The field of application is almost unlimited. Mobile lavatories, drains, chimneys, rubbish chutes, ducts, tanks, container etc.
Further versions are available on request.